Wednesday 25 August 2010

... and there's more - Penzance Lit.Fest. continued.

A gong announced lunch was ready. We made our way down to the basement to a room with equally mismatched furniture but still attained a certain chic like some of the outfits. I took a seat at the end of a long table where five friends were having a lively discussion and enjoying the wine. They made me very welcome, we exchanged first names and of course the inevitable questions of, ‘are you on your own?’, ‘why have you come?’ and so on.

The food was delicious despite the chillies in the soup and the bones in the fish. My wine glass was replenished by the generous people around me. We chatted and waited, and waited and chatted, checked our watches and sent pleading looks across the room to Mr Gale. We were all going on to hear the next speaker at the Exchange Gallery at 4pm and it was already 3pm, with speeches and questions, answers and apple crumble still to go.

Eventually we ate our desserts while PG talked about how ‘Notes from an Exhibition’ was born. How the Richard & Judy book machine selected him and how he is sure, and he keeps telling his publisher, that it was just one of those times when someone sprinkled fairy dust and everything turned out right. He told us how Stephen Fry had bought the rights to make a film of the book and how Emma Thompson wanted to play the part of Rachel. He promised that if it did ever make the big screen he would try his best to have filming centred in and around Penzance; he is very passionate about the Penzance area.

If you can stand it, Day 3 concludes tomorrow night.
Best wishes,

PS: Don't worry, I was unable to make days 2 and 5!

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