Wednesday 24 November 2010

A Dress Code?

We are going away at the weekend and I’m making a start on the packing. I have a dress I’m going to take that after I bought it caused me regret and dilemma. Looking at it again has made me ponder; something like this.

I bought it on impulse in a sale. I suppose the keen price tag and in my size was why I gave it a second look. But the real attraction was the feel of the soft material, the way it hung in easy flowing lines, and the swirl of colours, shades of blue and mushroom. Small details also caught my eye, covered buttons, slinky belt and small cap sleeves. I just loved it, and bought it.

Unfortunately the dress has hung in my wardrobe for a couple of years unworn, apart from a couple of times in the house when I’ve ‘tried it out’. Why? Because it's too short, just on the knee. Or rather I think it’s too short to wear with only a pair of tights and shoes for support; what a wimp I am!

Then I noticed the younger girls at work looking very smart in similar styles. I asked myself, what was the difference? On closer inspection it was the layer-look, boots and leggings. I had boots, suitable fine tops, all I had to buy was a pair of leggings and put them altogether. Hey Presto!

You’ve probably worked out by now what I’m trying to suggest in relation to writing. Rarely do first ideas and drafts work, as I can testify on a weekly basis; they always lack something, or plenty. Most of the main points are usually there, characters, style, plot, setting, dialogue, but they might be in the wrong order or need another ingredient to fuse the various elements together; like I said, it’s just a thought.

Don’t throw anything away, look at it from another angle, tweak with a fresh addition. I did, and was described as looking ‘cool’ by those same young girls in the office; I’ve been studying my writing more closely too.

Till next time.


  1. I've only just noticed your comment, thank you very much Frances, good of you to take the time.

    I seem to be a little slow at catching on to all the why and wherefores of blogging.

    Belated New Year wishes, I hope you achieve the goals you are aiming for.

    Kind regards
